Clinical research

The randomised clinical trial (RCT) is the cornerstone in evaluating the benefits and adverse effects of interventions (see The James Lind Library and Testing Treatments). Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of RCTs have been acknowledged as essential tools in the evaluation of already implemented interventions, when implementation of new interventions are considered, and in the planning of RCTs.

In order to improve the understanding of the necessity of randomised clinical trials (view), the Copenhagen Trial Unit is involved in a number of projects at the national, Nordic, and international level. 

To improve the understanding of the public, the Copenhagen Trial Unit participates in the ECRAN (European Communication on Reasearch Awareness Needs) project (

To improve the understanding of clinical research among both the public and the professionals, the Copenhagen Trial Unit organised each year the ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network) celebration of the International Clinical Trials' Day held at or around the 20th of May during the period 2005 to 2016 (view The art of medicine 2014). The CTU continues to support these yearly celebrations.