Clinical research infrastructure networks
National − The DCRIN and the DCRC
The Danish Clinical Research Infrastructures Network (DCRIN), coordinated by the CTU, is the Danish national hub in ECRIN (see below)
The mission of the DCRIN is to improve the quality of clinical research at a national and international level, promoting harmonised research procedures, reducing bottlenecks in administrative procedures, sharing expertise and facilitating multi-site studies, with particular benefit to disease conditions for which it is difficult to recruit participants.
The Danish Clinical Research Consortium (DCRC) is a national infrastructure initiated in 2008, which ‘virtually’ gathers and connects all Danish academic clinical research expertise. The DCRC is a non-profit organisation that provides independent and comprehensive consultancy and services to clinical research in all disease areas, ranging from concept and passing through conduct and completion of clinical trials. The mission of the DCRC is to improve the health of all patients and citizens by facilitating patient-centred transparent clinical intervention research of high quality according to the best international standards. You may download the DCRC project description here.
For more information, please contact us.
Nordic − The NTA
The Nordic Trial Alliance (NTA) research infrastructure, a three year pilot initiated 2013, is designed to support Nordic clinical multi-centre trials that will help attracting multinational studies to an area with 27 million inhabitants, a well-regulated and transparent health sector, and with a seamless access to frontline research and innovation.
Clinical trials conducted at the Nordic level will enable more conclusive results from multinational clinical studies by sufficient number of patients. A Nordic collaboration will in addition strengthen the Nordic voice on the international scene.
NTA is being built on established national networks for clinical research, and will ensure a strong collaboration with national and Nordic stakeholders in order not to overlap with existing initiatives. NTA have an open access approach. The NTA secretariat facilitates the collaboration between researchers and trial projects within the Nordic countries.
NTA is hosted by NordForsk.
For more information, please contact us.
European − The ECRIN
The European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN) is an integrated pan-European clinical research infrastructure, offering expert support to multinational clinical research projects. The infrastructure is building on national networks of clinical research centres and clinical trials units, providing expert support through information, consultancy, and a set of flexible services for any category of clinical research in any disease area.
Since 2009, 28 multinational trials have asked for ECRINs support, assuring the highest level of research quality. Of these, 18 have been accepted by the ECRIN Scientific Board. Denmark is participating in eight trials within the ECRIN infrastructure.
The Danish coordinating hub of ECRIN, the Danish Clinical Research Infrastructures Network (DCRIN), initiated in 2003, is hosted by the CTU. The DCRIN connects Danish clinical trial research units with the European research area, facilitating expert contact, information sharing, and services.
For more information, please contact us.