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The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group
Clinical research infrastructure networks
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Trial Sequential Analysis (TSA)
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PhD theses, Doctoral dissertations and Master theses
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Administration staff
Clinical research staff
Staff of the Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group
IT and data management staff
Staff within clinical research infrastructure networks
PhD, master students and project staff
Trial Sequential Analysis (TSA) staff
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PhD theses, Doctoral dissertations and Master theses
Plomgaard AM. Measuring the effect of early cerebral hypo- and hyperoxia in extremely preterm infants. 2016: 1-54.
PhD thesis
Krag M. Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in the Intensive Care Unit (SUP-ICU). 2016: 1-123.
PhD thesis
Bikic A. Cognitive training in children and adolescents with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 2016: 1-190.
PhD thesis
Feinberg JRH. Nutrition support in hospitalised adults at nutritional risk: a Cochrane systematic review of randomised clinical trials. 2016: 1-19.
Master thesis
Martí Carvajal AJ. Agentes biológicos en el tratamiento de enfermedades hematológicas malignas: revisiones sistemáticas. 2015: 1-358.
Doctoral dissertation
Holst LB. Benefits and harms of red blood cell transfusions in patients with septic shock in the intensive care unit. 2015: 1-57.
PhD thesis
Nørskov AK. Pre-operative airway assessment – Experience gained from a multicentre cluster randomised trial and the Danish Anaesthesia Database. 2015: 1-73.
PhD thesis
Rudic JS. Interventions for primary biliary cirrhosis and osteoporosis in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis: Cochrane reviews with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses of randomized clinical trials. 2015: 1-294.
Doctoral dissertation
Klausen SH. Rehabilitation in adolescents with congenital heart disease. 2015: 1-77.
PhD thesis
Husted GR. Guided Self-Determination-Youth – a life skills intervention for adolescents with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes and their parents. 2014: 1-327.
PhD thesis
Saarimäki J. Transparency in clinical research within the Nordic countries. 2014: 1-62.
Master thesis
Imberger G. Multiplicity and sparse data in systematic reviews of anaesthesiological interventions cause increased risk of random errors and lack of reliability of conclusions. 2014: 1-55.
PhD thesis
Lamers M. Evidence based management of hepatitis. 2014: 1-337.
Doctoral dissertation
Penninga L. Immunosuppressive polyclonal and monoclonal T-cell antibody induction therapy for solid organ transplant recipients: systematic reviews with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses of randomised clinical trials. 2014: 1-53.
PhD thesis
Hölmich P. Groin injuries in athletes - Development of clinical entities, treatment, and prevention. 2014: 1-95.
Doctoral dissertation
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