Download the TSA

The TSA software package can be downloaded cost-free. However, we require registration in order to monitor the interest in the TSA software and inform people of for e.g. improved versions of the TSA software package. Therefore, please use the Registration form below. If you have already registered but you want to download the TSA software package again, register only the e-mail address and download again.

The TSA software, RM5 Converter software and the accompanying Manual are delivered in a Zip archive. Use any archive tool, such as WinRAR or GZIP, to unpack the archive.

To install the program, unpack the entire archive into a folder of your choice on your hard drive or USB stick. No further steps are required.

To start the TSA application, double-click on the TSA.jar file. The application may require a few seconds to start up. If the application does not start, please consult Chapter 3 in the Manual.

The RM5 Converter is integrated into the TSA application.

Current version of the TSA software is Beta.

Please cite the TSA program whenever its output is used as: Trial Sequential Analysis (TSA) [Computer program]. Version Beta. The Copenhagen Trial Unit, Centre for Clinical Intervention Research, The Capital Region, Copenhagen University Hospital – Rigshospitalet, 2021.

Registration form

Click below to open registration form
Register and download

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